Intellectual property valuation

Our team has been involved in numerous IP asset valuation transactions and has gained extensive experience in financial valuation of IP portfolios.

In this way, we help companies with intellectual property portfolios to value their assets against bankers, investors and buyers. We also intervene for investors, individuals or companies, by providing them with an assessment of the value of their target and by identifying potential risks.


  • Evaluation of patent portfolio, trademarks, models;
  • Valuation methods adapted to various situations (analysis of future charges, market approach, historical costs, comparative) and weighted by many coefficients (legal risk, strength of securities, extent of protection, ability to detect and prove counterfeiting, economic risk, etc.);
  • We help investors or buyers appreciate the strength of the intellectual property assets at stake in the company they are aiming for. In particular, the audit of the quality of titles (trademarks, domain names, models and patents) is crucial for a proper financial commitment.

Our Services

IP Obtaining

Trademarks, models and designs, patents Trade names, plant varieties, traditional knowledge.

IP protecting

Litigation, Anti-Counterfeiting, Monitoring and watch services

IP Valorization

IP Benchmark , IP Audit, Technology Transfer, Financial Evaluation, draft agreement

IP Training

Trademarks, models and designs, patents Trade names, plant varieties, traditional knowledge.

Request a free consultation

Our team will give you more information about our services, our fees, and especially how we can help you